I’ve had 40 years experience as a Psychologist, Life-Coach, & Spiritual Teacher. For 20 years, I’ve integrated Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, EMDR and other clearing methods into my work to help people release the reactivity from the past and live more fully in the present. When available, I provide Life-Coaching and Spiritual Companionship virtually to help you learn to Thrive and Awaken to a greater consciousness.
I also weave into our sessions the principles of mindfulness meditation and the wisdom of the Enneagram, which delineates nine personality types as well as how they develop into experiences of a greater reality.
As an avid explorer of the various ways we can realize our potential, I have found the above methods very helpful in opening the heart, clearing the mind, grounding the body, and balancing the energies that weave through and connect us with others and our essence. This intuitive blend helps those challenged by anxieties and depression, as well as those who seek to foster their personal, professional, and spiritual development.
In addition to working with adults, couples, and organizations, I enjoy conducting various workshops and groups that promote personal transformation and spiritual awareness. I also teach classes and give presentations on a variety of topics related to thriving and awakening. I have a program called Deepening Presence® that provides a variety of on-going study groups for living more deeply with our essence.
I was on the faculty of Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine Certification Program where I had the opportunity to work with students from around the world studying to integrate energy based methods into their personal and professional lives. I completed all the requirements for being an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner.
I am a certified Riso-Hudson Enneagram Teacher. I have coached numerous individuals, couples, and teams on how to understand and integrate the wisdom of the Ennegram into daily living.
In 2013 I completed a tenure on the board of the American Holistic Medical Association, now merged into the Academy of Integrated Health & Medicine. I also served as AHMA President & Past-President of the NE Ohio Chapter.
I have developed a website called, www.ThriveandAwaken.com. It is a journey into self-discovery and conscious development. It will be a center to learning steps that move us from Surviving to Thriving to Awakening with many tools to support the journey.
To see my vita, click here.